What people are saying.

  • “I Felt Samantha Albrecht was warm and personable. She was also very professional and offered a great deal of information that I needed to get healing underway. She was also the first of several providers that actually took time to really examine me and test my muscle strength to get a more accurate idea of what was causing my pain. This was my first encounter with physical therapy and I am amazed at the knowledge base and treatment options PT has in its grasp. I would highly recommend seeing Dr. Albreacht prior to getting any injections or entertaining the thought of a kick surgical fix. I guess there is nothing I felt that needed to be improved at all!"

    — Betsy

  • “Samantha is one of the best physical therapists ever. She’s very professional and knowledgeable!"

    — Patient

  • “Sam is the best! She's friendly and knows the best way to make my headaches less frequent!"

    — Patient